
Kanye and Louis. It's a beautiful thing.

Kanye West is putting in work with Louis Vuitton! I'm so excited to see the finished products, he's so lovely :). I'm definitely going to look out for these, maybe even save so I can own my own pair. I love the fact that Kanye is getting the opportunity to mix his urban style with something considered to be so high-end. He's definetly doing a good job with getting involved in the right areas of fashion. Good luck Kanye! So far it looks good. Did i mention I love his jacket!?


well see my name is julian riley, i'm a 17 year old boy who likes to have fun. i enjoy playing soccer and adding to my wardrobe which makes me ridiculously lint. Lint. is a family that all share a need for individuality. i see myself as an individualist because i'm not afraid to act, look, and be a little out of the ordinary and i haven't a care in the world what the rest thinks. me and my familia here expect great things for ourselves in the future and hopefully the rest of the world can see our movement spread and support us. look out for major things in the lint. warehouse, coming to a city near you.



I love that this song is stuck in my head.

Ahhh, hey Friends! It's Cee. So i'm supposed to be somewhere right now. Away from this laptop, outside. Blame it on this song. I cannot get it out of my head, i've been finger dancing all afternoon. [FINGER DANCING VIDEO BY CEE & DANNI COMING SOON]I'm off to see a daytime movie. I'll write a review later on, if i feel like it, i probably won't. Stay Lint.


Facebook Ads Featuring You? Ohh hell nah.

Warning All Facebookers !
word has it that Facebook has agreed to let 3rd party advertisers use our pictures in their online ads. [Obviously for the money] This whole idea is meant to get facebookers more involved in the advertisements, by seeing their friends. I never pay attention to the adds on the sidelines, and i still wont. Maybe only for a second...
To protect yourself from the snoopers take these easy steps.
Click on SETTINGS up where you see the log out link. Select PRIVACY SETTINGS, then select PRIVACY. Select NEWS FEEDS AND WALL. Select the tab that reads FACE BOOK ADS. There is a drop down box, select NO ONE. Save your changes.

Let Me Take A Stab At This...

As you guys already know, each of us are new to this blog thing. As my first post imma introduce myself. My name is Raheem. I'm 16 years old and a member of this Lint. movement. You guys probably get the gist of everything now it's basically an inside of our lives. What we think about certain things we see in our everyday life and what not. I'm excited to get this project off the ground and I look forward to the future with the Lint. Movement. We gonna be going hard and puttin in work on this blog so you already know. If you like it, support us and voice your opinion about our blog. If you don't like it, you don't have to take it in. Imma have some fun with this blogging thingg dayumm lool.
Im off dis.

She's just being honest - Amber Rose

I can't help but get angry when I hear girls say model Amber Rose is their so called role model or they "love" her. Don't get me wrong, she's got a pretty face and a wardrobe I'd die for, but to look up to someone for that is not right. It's whats on the inside that counts. So for those who haven't already seen this video. Here's what lies on the inside of Amber Rose.

Pick your role models wisely girls.

Lala In the Building

Hey Guys, This is Lateasha a.k.a Lala. This is my first time Blogging!! and I'm totally excited:) I am a member of Lint. myself and I'm eager for my crew and I to show you what we're all about! I'm pretty sure you all get the gist of what Lint. is all about ( as seen in the intro) and I hope that you all can support the movement, and maybe get some inspiration to start something of your own! Well that's all for now and you'll be hearing more from me in a bit!!! Enjoy our cool blogspot people!:)

Dr.Miracle has lost another customer

Hahaa Chris I beat you to it!

Okay so as the audience of everything that goes on in the lives of celebrities, we've seen the episode where one by one more and more celebrities decide to go under the knife (the one that cuts their hair this time :) ) and well, until now, I didn't have a problem with it. It started with Britney, and it progressed with Cassie, Amber Rose, radio personality Lala, Rihanna and now Solange. Now I wouldn't exactly call this ugly, but it isn't the best thing she could of done. Shaving your head is one thing, but when you have hair that grows in a pimento seed pattern (for those who don't know it's the small black ball of pepper you find in soup) you really shouldn't put that on display. This just shows how far people go sometimes just to fit in with the trend. Please, please, please, do not do something because it looks good on someone else. Do whats best for you! Geez.

Love Danielle

Here I go!

It's a breath of fresh air knowing at the end of the day I have my Lint. family.

My name is Danielle and this is my first time blogging ever and it's quite exciting. Yay! I can now set my occupation on Lookbook to blogger.
Omg I'm actually blogging, everything I type you guys can see. Ha! Omg and this too! :) I'm very proud of Lint. for giving me that drive to get up and do something, even on the days when I feel like bringing the refrigerator up to my room and staying there forever. I look forward to everything we're about to do together sharing our experiences and opinions with the rest of the world. I hope we take advantage of our amazing relationship so we can show others what friendship really looks like. This is officially my first blog, and this is me officially signing off.

Love Danielle


Reviews for the new album coming soon.


Downtown Shopping just got a bit stinkier

Garbage On Queen St. W

To tell you the absolute truth, i didn't even know where to put my Starbucks container. I slowly bent down and placed it on top of a pizza box. Ahhh summer memories, soon to be diminished.

The recent city garbage strike couldn't of come at a better time. After over a month of basking in the sun, and inhaling the wonderful smell of old food and what-not all down the greatest shopping strip in the heart of the city. Finally after 36 Days of Stinky Downtown life, the Union has come to an agreement. Hopefully this mess will be cleaned up by Caribana Weekend. They have 5 days. Starting NOW !

Chester French on Jimmy Kimel Live tomorrow Night

I'm spending the night listening to Chester French. It doesn't get better. For all the wonderful faithful fans, go pick up the cd. The track playing is an old song off Commons album Universal Mind Control Their latest album is Love the Future

Santigold - Performs at Paleo - Interesting outfit choice

Fashion Do - Fashion Don't

I've never been the type to knock celebrity outfits. Unfortunately Santgold did it to me, the last time i wore a full jumper was in my elementary winter days, when you'd lie on the floor and put that snow suit on one leg at a time. Mehh, that wonderful moment in time has come and gone. Beyonce's single ladies an inspiration maybe? Gold was seen wearing this outfit at Switzerland’s Paleo Festival. Kudos to Goldie. Her outfit was something to talk about. Individuality is the key. FINAL THOUGHT ! The doorknockers need to be locked up. It's interesting because this 80's inspired jumper, and the Gold Jeremy Scott Adidas have been worn before. Fashion is very kind, it recycles itself. I just feel like instead of storing your valuables for the next big Resurrection. Accessories and what nots like Door Knockers should be left alone. Do your thing Santigold. My thoughts are all over the place with this one. Peace&Love - Stay Lint.

Something like an intro, but less info.

My name is Christine, but I'm also known as Cee. I swear this is our first blog. None of us have blogged before. Exciting, you'll witness the Lint. movement grow. That's our hope. For now I'll stick to this little intro. I had to leave a Bark. ;"blog mark" I'm building an html bible for myself as we speak. I used to love this kind of stuff, then i stopped. Well now I'm back homie. I'm so proud of myself i remembered how to type in an image code! I'm sorry if you're not excited,i am. Ahaha. Peace&Love . Stay Lint


Hello world Lint. is here.

Ladies... and...Gentleman Lint. is here. Dalianno checkin in. Ah of course I am new to this ish, but arent we all so bare with me. Today of course is a good day cause were finally getting this page off the ground, its been lingering so its time to get it done. Lint. will defenitely be keeping you posted on our well-being and things to look out for. I shall leave you guys with perhaps one of my favourite lines "Lint. run this bitch and we aint never tore a lingement"- courtesy Big Sean...just changed the beggining lol.


well i'm kinda new to this blog thing, and i think it's pretty awesome. we Lint. are a group of friends promoting absolutely nothing, we're kind of like an abstract group that's tired of the same old same old things we see in this generation, we like individualism and differentiating ourselves from the norm. our group is made up of myself julian, christine, dale, lateasha, raheem, jahzmin, danielle, and malaeka. as a group we just want to show that you don't have to be what the rest of the world thinks is "fresh", or "swag", we can dress with our own twists and whatnot and still be cool haha. basically we do our own thing, laterrrrrrrrrrrrr.