
Let's Show a Little Appreciation for the Baddest Chick in the Game Please...

Okay so Rihanna is a devil girl, we all know. But regardless, she is still THE baddest chick out there, and to everyone who has been trying to tell me differently. Just take a look at these photos please and thank you.

Jazza's New Jeanss

So I have these jeans that I love ever so dearly, and I wore them so much that they started to rip at the crotches, so I had to stop wearing them because they looked funny. I also wanted a pair of ripped jeans, and every time I told my mother about it she would say "why would you buy ruined pants when you can ruin ones that you already have for no cost?" So then I realized that if i ripped the knee and surrounding areas of my old favourite jeans, the ripped crotch would look like it was put there on purpose. With two days of filing away at my jeans, they turned out lovely. I'm not sure if I wanna make any new adjustments to them, but for now they're good.
So people, instead of purchasing a new pair of ripped jeans, find a pair of your old jeans and rip them yourself. They'll probably end up looking 100x better than any store bought ones, because you made them!

